Women Against State Pension Inequality

WASPI Compensation Calculator

WASPI Compensation Calculator

What is the WASPI Compensation Calculator?

The WASPI Compensation Calculator lets you calculate how much compensation you should get for the problems you have faced due to the change in the state pension age for women in the UK.

I know a lot of people are not able to calculate their state pension age compensation amount as it is a bit complex and this is the reason why I have developed this simple calculator.

How Does the WASPI Compensation Calculator Work?

It’s a very basic and simple WASPI compensation calculator. All you need to do is enter your date of birth, it is important as the change of state pension age was gradual, and then enter the amount of weekly pension you were supposed to receive.

The WASPI Compensation Calculator will automatically calculate the number of lost weeks due to the state pension age change and give you the exact compensation amount.

What is WASPI?

WASPI stands for Women Against State Pension Inequality which is basically a campaign that was started in the UK for the women born in the 1950s who are affected by the change in the pension age.

It was started by 5 women in the UK who discovered this issue first and started this campaign.

The government of the UK made a decision to increase the state pension age for women to 65, this will be in line with the state pension age with men in the UK.

Now there is a big campaign running in the UK for the adjustment of the compensation the women have lost due to these changes. But what have they lost and how?

Let me simplify it for you:

As per the old system, the women in the UK used to get their state pension at the age of 60. A new bill passed on …… according to which the pension age was increased to 65 (now 66) to make it equal with the state pension age of men in the UK

So what’s the problem? The problem is that the government made the changes so quickly, that the women in the UK didn’t understand and didn’t get enough time to plan for their retirement.

There are many women who find themselves without a pension at the age of 60 as they now have to wait longer and this will create financial problems.

Now, the WASPI group is not demanding to take back the decision of the changes made for the new state pension age for the women but to provide fair compensation to the women who are affected by this decision and rapid changes.

Let me explain it to you with a simple example. Suppose you are planning to retire at the age of 60 as per the old rules. You made all the plans and adjustments related to your budget, savings, etc.

All of a sudden, you are told that you can’t get your pension until you are 66 years old as per the new rules. The important point is that you find out about this a few years before your retirement. What will you do? or What can you do? It will be a stressful situation, no doubt as you do not have any financial help for 6 years.

So, the people of WASPI are just asking for fair compensation from the government.

How Much Compensation will be Provided?

It is not yet decided how much compensation should be provided and the WASPI campaign is not about the amount of compensation, but it is all about that there must be compensation.

The amount is not fixed, but it should cover the financial loss and hardships that are caused by this decision.

How the Compensation will be Calculated

Suppose you are born on 1 January 1951. This means you should get retired in 2011 after 60 years as per the old rules.

However, as per the new rule, the pensions of women were gradually increased. This means if you were born on 1 January 1951, your new state pension age could have been 61 years 2 months and you would have retired on March 2012.

Now suppose your state pension is £179 per week, but as you are not going to get this pension for the next 1 year and 2 months, your lost weeks are 52+8 = 60 weeks (1 year has 52 weeks and 2 months has 8 weeks).

If the government decides that you should get £179 per week as compensation then your total compensation would be £179 x 60 = £10740.

The most important thing to note here is the GRADUAL INCREASE of the state pension age.

What is the Gradual Increase in the State Pension Age

The state pension age for women in the UK changed from 60 to 65 (now 66) but this didn’t happen overnight. It was a gradual increase from 60 to 65 years.

Will I Automatically Get the WASPI Compensation Calculator?

You may get a WASPI compensation calculator to calculate your compensation amount. But let me tell you, I haven’t got any compensation calculator which is why I have made my own calculator and I made it free for all to use and calculate your companion amount.

WASPI Compensation Calculator Near Me?

If you are looking for a WASPI compensation calculator near Manchester, London, Scotland, Sunderland, Coventry, Glasgow, Blackpool, or anywhere in the UK, you may find it in a few places, but I would recommend the best would be to use an online calculator like the one I have made, which is extremely convenient.

What is the Labour WASPI Compensation Calculator?

Is the labour WASPI compensation calculator any different from the normal WASPI calculator or government WASPI compensation calculator? Actually no, the labour WASPI compensation calculator, government WASPI compensation calculator, and a normal WASPI compensation calculator are all the same, there is no difference.

The work of this calculator is to give you the exact amount that you must get as compensation from the UK government.

WASPI Age Range Eligibility?

The WASPI age range eligibility is between 06 April 1950 and 05 April 1960, which means between 60-66 years old. Women born between this age range in the UK are only eligible for the compensation amount.

This is because women between this age range are affected by the decision of the pension age change act.

WASPI Date of Birth

Women Born BetweenGradual Increase in State Pension Age
April 6, 1950 – May 5, 195060 years and 1 month
May 6, 1950 – June 5, 195060 years and 2 months
June 6, 1950 – July 5, 195060 years and 3 months
July 6, 1950 – August 5, 195060 years and 4 months
August 6, 1950 – September 5, 195060 years and 5 months
September 6, 1950 – October 5, 195060 years and 6 months
October 6, 1950 – November 5, 195060 years and 7 months
November 6, 1950 – December 5, 195060 years and 8 months
December 6, 1950 – January 5, 195160 years and 9 months
January 6, 1951 – February 5, 195160 years and 10 months
February 6, 1951 – March 5, 195160 years and 11 months
March 6, 1951 – April 5, 195161 years
April 6, 1951 – May 5, 195161 years and 1 month
May 6, 1951 – June 5, 195161 years and 2 months
June 6, 1951 – July 5, 195161 years and 3 months
July 6, 1951 – August 5, 195161 years and 4 months
August 6, 1951 – September 5, 195161 years and 5 months
September 6, 1951 – October 5, 195161 years and 6 months
October 6, 1951 – November 5, 195161 years and 7 months
November 6, 1951 – December 5, 195161 years and 8 months
December 6, 1951 – January 5, 195261 years and 9 months
January 6, 1952 – February 5, 195261 years and 10 months
February 6, 1952 – March 5, 195261 years and 11 months
March 6, 1952 – April 5, 195262 years
April 6, 1952 – May 5, 195262 years and 1 month
May 6, 1952 – June 5, 195262 years and 2 months
June 6, 1952 – July 5, 195262 years and 3 months
July 6, 1952 – August 5, 195262 years and 4 months
August 6, 1952 – September 5, 195262 years and 5 months
September 6, 1952 – October 5, 195262 years and 6 months
October 6, 1952 – November 5, 195262 years and 7 months
November 6, 1952 – December 5, 195262 years and 8 months
December 6, 1952 – January 5, 195362 years and 9 months
January 6, 1953 – February 5, 195362 years and 10 months
February 6, 1953 – March 5, 195362 years and 11 months
March 6, 1953 – April 5, 195363 years
April 6, 1953 – May 5, 195363 years and 2 months
May 6, 1953 – June 5, 195363 years and 4 months
June 6, 1953 – July 5, 195363 years and 6 months
July 6, 1953 – August 5, 195363 years and 8 months
August 6, 1953 – September 5, 195363 years and 10 months
September 6, 1953 – October 5, 195364 years
October 6, 1953 – November 5, 195364 years and 2 months
November 6, 1953 – December 5, 195364 years and 4 months
December 6, 1953 – January 5, 195464 years and 6 months
January 6, 1954 – February 5, 195464 years and 8 months
February 6, 1954 – March 5, 195464 years and 10 months
March 6, 1954 – April 5, 195465 years
April 6, 1954 – May 5, 195465 years and 2 months
May 6, 1954 – June 5, 195465 years and 4 months
June 6, 1954 – July 5, 195465 years and 6 months
July 6, 1954 – August 5, 195465 years and 8 months
August 6, 1954 – September 5, 195465 years and 10 months
September 6, 1954 – October 5, 195466 years

WASPI Compensation Calculator Not Working?

If your WASPI compensation calculator is not working, you need to troubleshoot it and find out the reason for it not working. If you are using our calculator and you face any such issue, please contact us through our email or through the contact us form provided, we’ll try to resolve the issue as soon as possible.

Is there a waspi calculator?

Yes, there is a WASPI calculator to calculate teh compensation of the WASPI women.

Who will get the WASPI compensation calculator?

Women in the UK born April 6, 1950, and April 5, 1960 are wntitled for WASPI compensation calculator.

Am I entitled to the WASPI compensation calculator

Any womon in the UK who is born between April 6, 1950, and April 5, 1960 are entitled for the WASPI compensation calculator.

What is the retirement age UK for female 2024?

As of 2024, the retirement age of female and make in the UK is 66 years.

Am I a WASPI born in 1952?

Yes, you are a WASPI woman if you are born in 1952.

Am I a WASPI born in 1953?

Yes, you are a WASPI woman if you are born in 1953.

About me

Hey, I am Christine Mary Edwards, and I live in Manchester, UK. I have worked as a librarian for more than 35 years.

I am also a member of WASPI (Women Against State Pension Inequality) which represents more than 3.8 million women in the UK.

The reason for making this blog is to create awareness about WASPI among all the females connected with it. I have also made a WASPI compensation calculator so that you all can easily calculate the amount of compensation you must receive.

Christine Mary Edwards