Who Will Get WASPI Compensation?

The question that people in the UK have in mind is who will get the WASPI compensation and when? Well, the answer to ‘when’ is still a mystery but the answer to ‘who’ is very obvious.

WASPI are those women who are protesting against the state pension age change. Actually, they are not against it, all they want is compensation due to the loss they would incur due to this pension age change.

But the question is who will get the WASPI compensation as there are a few women who are confused if they are eligible for the compensation and other are a few women who think they are eligible but in actually they are not.

This is what this article is all about. I am going to discuss the what are the eligibility criteria to get the compensation as a WASPI woman.

Who Will Get WASPI Compensation?

To understand who will get the WASPI compensation, we need to understand why anyone will get compensation for the state pension age change act.

As you all know, after the new Pension Age Change Act, the new pension age was changed to 65 (now 66) to make it equal to the pension age of men.

Now due to the new pension age, the women who were supposed to retire at 60 and start getting their pension, have to wait till 65 and they haven’t financially planned for these 5 years as the decision made by the government was too quick.

Now, the women want compensation for the loss of weeks which is why the WASPI campaign was launched.

I hope the question of why anyone would get compensation is clear, now let’s understand who is eligible for the compensation.

The women born in the 1950s are affected by the decision of the state pension age change and they are the ones who should get compensation.

WASPI Compensation Eligibility Criteria

As per the latest updates on WASPI compensation, the official eligibility criteria have yet to be decided including the compensation amount.

To give you an idea, here are the basic eligibility criteria which are necessary for the compensation:

  • the compensation is for those women who are affected by the state pension age change
  • the woman must born between 6 April 1950 and 5 April 1960 to be eligible for the compensation
  • women who are financially affected will more likely be considered for the compensation, however, this won’t be applicable as if one woman gets the compensation, most probably all the women born at the defined time period will get the compensation
  • compensation will be provided as the women didn’t get enough time to adjust to the government’s decision as it was quick and it was poorly communicated.

How Much Compensation Will Be Provided to WASPI

The amount of compensation is really dependent on their date of birth as it is necessary to calculate the loss of weeks which will be multiplied by the pension amount per week a woman gets in the UK or as decided by the government.

You can try out the WASPI compensation calculator to accurately calculate how much compensation you must get.

For example, if you are born on 06 May 1950, then your loss of weeks will be 4, and if your pension per week is £150, then, 4*150 = £600 is your compensation amount.

You can calculate for yourself as per your DOB. Let me tell you one thing clearly, this is just a rough idea as the compensation amount and official criteria have not been decided by the government of the UK.


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